I Hear That Train A Coming!

Hoy hoy Marion CrabHeads! The Train has left the station despite the latest Snowpocalypse. First stop, Folkie’s in Marion tonite! So your choices are- stay home and watch The Shining (not recommended) or come on down to The FolkieDome for Train Crab Racing, the most exciting racing of all!! Pick ’em at 7:30, race ’em… Continue reading I Hear That Train A Coming!

Where the Hell is Yodertucky???

Are you ready for some Football?? The Racin’ Crustaceans take to the gridiron in Poe on Friday September 6th. Pick ’em at 7:30, race ’em at 8:00, see you there!!!! View Larger Map

Are you ready for some football!!!

Hoy hoy CrabHeads!! Only one place to catch the Crabs this week- The FolkieDome, aka “The Wrigley Field of Crab Racing”. Super Crab is back and he’ll be bringing his buddies to Marion for a little Football Crab Racing on Wednesday. Pick ’em at 7:30, race ’em at 8:00. See you there!!!

Trivia Answers!

John Glenn Indianapolis New Guinea Lighthouse Honolulu Macon Georgia Bell Tower Rome Walt Disney Japan

New Venue!!!

Pepperchini’s is on the left, just north of the split on Old 3- View Larger Map See you there!!!


The rankings are up to date as of 12:00 PM EDT March 14, 2013 (includes Folkie’s Crab Racing League Team Rankings).  Also, a big shout out to our Cub Reporter Gary, in Elkhart, for keeping us apprised of the results from Barney’s. Good work young man! -djjj