Beers Of The World

Hoy Hoy!! Greetings from Casa Dos Gatos! What’s cookin’? An incredible evening out there tonight. Just spent two hours policing the compound. Clearing walks and paths and lanes and generally standing around. Bob Zimmerman stuck in my ear, telling me about Highway 61. In the words of Fatboy Slim- “It’s a beautiful night”. Well, here… Continue reading Beers Of The World

Don’t Get Confused

Anybody that was around about 13 years ago will remember this sign (As well as the “soon to be famous” DelMonico Steak for $6.95). Back then we ran after the kids were in bed! j

New Video

A couple of new snippets here and here. Also, there’s a new video link in the other places section.j

Welcome to CrabLine

Welcome! Welcome to CrabLine, the online home of Crab Racing. Over the next few days I’ll get all the back issues of The CrabLine posted for you to view. In the future, new CrabLines will be available here, as they are created. Enjoy! j

Crab Racing USA

Chimichaunga Cheesy Burrito!! We heard there are sheep in Montana! -Brian S. I believe Brian was explaining the reason for one of our many, ill-advised road trips. The officer was very understanding, and once he had relieved us of our beverages, allowed us to continue our quest. I think we made it as far as… Continue reading Crab Racing USA

Football Crab Racing

Hoy Hoy!! Greetings from Casa Dos Gatos! If a duck flew upside down, a hammer would still break a window.-Steve ***** Kind of a Zen koan thingy from a guy that was raised a Quaker. But come to think of it, so was I. Anyway, it’s #63 in our “Great Quotes From South Marion” series,… Continue reading Football Crab Racing

Train Crab Racing

Hoy Hoy!! Greetings from Casa Dos Gatos! Convenience will be the demise of modern society-Eddie L Not sure what circumstance caused Ed to utter that one. I think he may have broken a pull tab off of a Wisconsin Club. Hard to say. Anyway, that’s #57 in our “Great Quotes From South Marion” series. Sorry… Continue reading Train Crab Racing