Beers The World- Hoagland 11/2/2007

As you may have heard, The Three Kings in Hoagland closed today. Last night was the last Crab Race after nearly three years of racing. Here’s a repost of the first race recap from Hoagland from November 2, 2007. Enjoy-

Hoy Hoy!

Greetings from Casa dos Gatos! More Bonus Coverage for you. This week it’s from the legendary Three Kings Restaurant in beautiful Hoagland Indiana. A nice evening for a drive, Hoagland is located on the south end of Allen County halfway between Poe and Boston Corner. About an hour from Mayberry.

Whitasita rode Shotgun and we got to the Three Kings about twenty-five after six. Sonny arrived shortly thereafter. The room was about half full of Soon to be Racers and soon to be innocent bystanders. Mike and TSA Sarah and Chrissie and Another Mike were enjoying some dinner while we set up. We were in the presence of greatness as Mike apparently had done some Racing in the eighties. The place filled up really smartly and by Sign-Up Time it was SRO. Regular Sellout tonite with twofers. I had a huge table on which to plot the musical direction of the show and it was a quick three step drop to the bar. A rare pre-Thanksgiving appearance by the Chainsaw Sisters as well (Kind of like Spring Camp. It won’t be long). Dave was calling the shots. Becky was at the bar. Jill was on the floor (SERVING US ALL!). Get out your lederhosen, because it’s-

Beers Of The World Crab Racing-


Some of this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And there’s always this.

Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:

1) Sputnik

2) Hitler

3) Hula Hoop

4) Love Me Tender

5) Double Doody

National Anthem (fourth verse)

Flag Holder- Bev (Defending Champion)

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell


First Half:

1) Winner- #34 Sparky- Bev (Defending Champion)

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #31 Fred- Delin (somebody get me a spelling)

3) Winner- #97 Pete- Dave

4) Winner- #0 Oops, I Sharted!- Megan

5) Winner- #37 Contagious- Crystal

6) Winner- #84 Darth- Perry

7) Winner- #33 Gaaawwwd- Doug

8) Winner- #7 Daisy- Debbie


Some of this. Some of this.


Second Half (Right back at ya):

9) Winner- #55 Linc- Deb

Halftime Entries:

Not tonite Baby!

10) Winner- #92 Bagodouche- Megan

11) Winner- #71 Gus- Matt

The Wave

12) Winner- #10 Sweet Angel- Dave

13) Winner- #22 Bill- Danielle

14) Winner- #46 Sunkist- Samantha

15) Winner- #16 Uncle Grumpy- Bev (Defending Champion)

16) Winner- #13 Ricketts- Dudley

Goodbye Losers:


1) Winner- #34 Sparky- Bev (Defending Champion)

2) Winner- #31 Fred- Delin

3) Winner- #71 Gus- Matt

4) Winner- #13 Ricketts- Dudley


Order of Merit:

Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done- #31 Fred- Delin

Third Place- $10- #71 Gus- Matt

Second Place- $15- #34 Sparky- Bev (Former Champion)

First Place- $25- #13 Ricketts- Dudley (Defending Champion)


Minus Five

Very excellent evening. The last time Sonny was there was April, so the Racers didn’t know much of the Shtick, but they held up the excitement level all night long. Bev made a run at the repeat, but in the end, Dudley rode the smallest Crab on the Table to victory. I’d like to know how #13 ran the next night at Barney’s in Elkhart.

Sonny and his Professional Racing Crabs will be back at the Three Kings on December 7th. I’m betting the crowd’s going to get a little more better on the naming thing and my money’s on Bev to return to the Throne. I may not be DJing, but I’m certain I’m going to be there.

Ciao for nao


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