Crab Racing Thursday Night at the FolkieDome!

Hoy hoy CrabHeads!
This just in from Crab Central- “America. Ferc Yeah!!”. That’s right, Crab Racing USA hits the FolkieDome on Thursday night.
Picture this. A Beautiful evening out under the Dome. A nice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon (ain’t nuthin’ more ‘murican than PBR). Meander inside when Sonny shows up. Grab a Crab and a seat on race row. Revel in the fourth verse of our National Anthem. Sing along with great songs representing our glorious Homeland (OOOOOOOOOklahoma!). Crap Son, It almost sounds like yer Patriotic Duty to be there. If you’re not, well I ain’t sayin’, but you might be a socialist!
Anyway, you guys know the drill. Pick ’em at 7:30, race ’em at 8:00. See you there!

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