Hoy hoy CrabHeads!In the words of Mrs. Zimmerman’s boy- “The times they are a changin’”. Well, not the times exactly, but the days. When the Racin’ Crustaceans came to Marion in 1991 (yeah, a good portion of our racers weren’t born) we raced every Thursday. Beginning on April 7th, Crab Racing returns to Thursday night… Continue reading BIG NEWS!

It’s Wednesday!

Hoy hoy CrabHeads!Another fortnight has came and went and we find ourselves on the eve of that most wonderful of weekdays- Wednesday! Another round at the Wrigley Field of Crab Racing- Folkie’s The theme is TBA but the deal’s still real, 36 entrants at post time and it’s Train Crab Racing, no matter what the… Continue reading It’s Wednesday!