Brickyard Crab Racing- Three Kings 2/6

Chimichanga Cheesy Burrito
Greetings from Casa dos Gatos. Another wonderful trip to visit our friends in Crabsville USA. Seems like forever since we’ve been up here. Nice clear roads, decent temperature. Even cracked the window on the way up. A little
Bono Vox on the box, so I think I sprinkle today’s post with more of the same. Hope you hear something you like. Enjoy the ride.

Nice crowd on hand. Not a sellout, but not far off. And what they lack in numbers, they make up for in enthusiasm. A lot of the regulars on hand. Sara with no H and her accomplice, another Sara with no H are over by the window, Spunky Sally has a nice group at the near table, and the rest of the bar fills up nicely. Young Dave is behind the bar and signing the checks and Jill Bob is on the floor, SERVING US ALL!!!.

I’ll admit that I’ve never been a great fan of NASCAR racing. I’m more inclined toward Formula One and Endurance Road Racing such as the 24 hours of Daytona and LeMans. But it’s always great to see Speed Week roll around, because it means Spring can’t be far behind. The other thing that Speed week brings is the first appearance of that heaviest of Crab Racing Tables, NASCAR on the right, IndyCar on the left, boogity boogity boogity, let’s go racing boys, it’s-

Brickyard Crab Racing

Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:

1) Broadway
2) Sergeant York
3) Reagan
4) Forty
5) Rhode Island

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flag Holder- Rochelle

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell

First Half:

1) Winner- #10 Michael Hunt (you can call him Mike)- Jerry

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #51 It Was Only A Love Tap But I still Got The Crabs- Rochelle
3) Winner- #75 Happy Camper- Kenny
4) Winner- #1 Ninja Crab- Sara
5) Winner- #24 Crabbity Crabbity Crabbity- Rochelle
6) Winner- #2 Itchy- Barb
7) Winner- #99 Witchy Bitch- Bill
8) Winner- #76 Speedy Gonzales- Sally

Some of this.

Second Half (Right back at ya):
9) Winner- #50 Dave’s Revenge- Scott

Halftime Entries:
Yep (Triple A G in the hooooouse!)

10) Winner- #3 Shankapotamous- Jack
11) Winner- #8 ?????- Christina

The Wave

12) Winner- #11 Spunky- Sally
13) Winner- #37 Fluffy- Jason
14) Winner- #31 Crabris (kra’ bree) On The Track- Doug
15) Winner- #2 Whomp Ass- Hoss
16) Winner- #7 Renegade- Mary

Goodbye Losers:

1) Winner- #10 Mike Hunt- Jerry
2) Winner- #3 Shankapotamous- Jack
3) Winner- #75 Happy Camper- Kenny
4) Winner- #1 Ninja Crab- Sara


Order of Merit:

Third Place- $10 Gift Certificate- Tie- #10 Mike Hunt- Jerry & #75 Happy Camper- Kenny
Second Place- $15 Gift Certificate- 3 Shankapotamous- Jack
First Place- $25 Gift Certificate- 1 Ninja Crab- Sara

On the nuts

Once again Sara shows the advantage of being wired to the web. Not only did she use the World Crab Rankings to pick her Crab, her table also had CrabLine dialed up on a cell phone and the site contained the answers to the trivia questions (Sonny implemented a four count delay for them on answering). So Sara continues to dominate (which sounds fine to us) with the #1 Crab in the world, Jack takes Second, and Kenny and Jerry share Third (luckily they shared a table as well). Sally, our Katie Couric lookalike takes home a copy of
TNTLWOAF. She noted that the cover art looks like a drug movie, which is close. We were trying to give it an “underground, bootleg” feel.

Sonny and the Crabs return to Hoagland on March the 6th with a board that’s yet to be determined. A comment was posted on CrabLine that we may be missing Sara next time, so who knows, if you pay attention to the rankings and get there early, you might just go home a winner. Of course there’s always the other Sara with no H to contend with! Until then, he’s Sonny Starr.

Ciao for nao

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