Brickyard Crab Racing (Elkhart Style)

Another Wednesday Night, another hotel room. This week I’m stuck in the Marriott-Midway in beautiful Chicago. Luckily, I was able to avoid any sort of withdrawal by catching Sonny and his Miraculous Racing Crabs in Elkhart over the Memorial Day Weekend. See you soon.


Hoy Hoy!

Greetings from Puerto dos Gatos! What goes together better than Memorial Day and Bocce? It felt good to roll those fellows again. As they say in Fairmount, “We’ll need to do a bunch more of that there”.

Elkhart is kind of like Muncie, I’ll tell you why. If you jack around and try to get fancy or try to take a short cut, Muncie will grab you by the ass and before you know it you’re out in Parker City. Elkhart’s the same way. Message received Elkhart.

We rolled into the the parking lot of Rainbo Lanes right at Signup, just ahead of a deluge that would have floated an arkload of dinosaurs. I’m still stickin’ with fuschia. The Rainbo Lounge is strategically and centrally located in the heart of the The Rainbo Multiplex, between two sets of lanes. Very nice setup. The room itself looks like it would be perfect for watching a Colts game. Although I don’t recall seeing any Blue and White, so maybe it was a good idea to keep my Colts thing under our hats. The big screen was the perfect size for the space and the bar on the opposite wall just filled the place with all kinds of feng shui.

A bunch of racers tonite. Two shy of a natural sellout, very nice group. The Brickyard Board is as huge as it is heavy, and it was nice seeing it sitting there without having to worry about carrying that monster out at the end of the evening. Did I mention that it’s heavy? Race row held ten Nevers and an Ever, and the rest of the room filled up quite nicely with Elkhart’s finest Racers. Sean behind the bar. Bev On The Floor, Serving us All. Crystal Diamond at the Mixer (consistently cool under pressure, I might add). And me, I was just thinking, “here comes Johnny…”, because it’s-

Brickyard Crab Racing-

Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:
1) Harvard- Butterfinger (BF)
2) Gone With The Wind- $100,000 Bar ($100)
3) Babe- Baby Ruth (BR)
4) Hannibal- Baby Ruth (BR)
5) Cat- BF

National Anthem (fourth verse)

Krissy (sp?)- #26 I’m Throwing A Party Between My Legs, Wanna Come?

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell


First Half:

1)Winner- #6 Nasty Native Bitch- Sally- BR BF

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #64 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing (CSR) (very well-mannered of you not to win the first race)- BF $100
3) Winner- #77 Jerry- Dog- BF BR
4) Winner- #26 I’m Throwing A Party Between My Legs, Wanna Come?- Krissy- Nestle Crunch (NC) $100
5) Winner- #50 Francisco- Derek- NC BF
6) Winner- #28 Key- Sharon- NC BF
7) Winner- – #35 Irish (It’s the Weis Age!!!)- John- NC BF
8) Winner- #74 Jackass- Tammy


Second Half:

9) Winner- #96 She Said Give Me Twelve Inches And Make It Hurt, So I Facked Her Three Times And Hit her In the Head With A Brick- Jim- BR $100

Halftime Entries:
Yep, two of ’em

10) Winner- #67 F Bomb- Chris- BF $100
11) Winner- #20 Lickety Slit- Kyle- NC BR
12) Winner- #69 Run Facker Run- Shannon- $100 BR
13) Winner- #55 El Conquitadore- Darcia (sp?)- BR $100
14) Winner- #62 Coco- Lopez- BF BR
15) Winner- #19 Fast Eddy- Tom
16) Winner- #5 Oriental Lickmaster Tongue Ninja- CSR- BR $100

Goodbye Losers:


1) Winner- #6 Nasty Native Bitch- Sally

Lottery Pick:
#14 Weast The Beast- Joe

2) Winner- #64 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing
3) Winner- #77 Jerry (I believe it’s his Uncle Jerry)- Dog
4) Winner- #74 Jackass- Tammy


Order of Merit:

Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done (Plus a copy of “The Night The Lights Went Out At Folkie’s”)- #74 Jackass- Tammy
Third Place- $10- #6 Nasty Native Bitch- Sally
Second Place- $15- #64 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing
First Place- $25- #77 Jerry- Dog

Plus One

Nice touch donating the $15 Second Prize back to the next race, we may want to go back someday, now that we know it’s just a couple of rights and a couple of lefts and you’re pretty much back at Puerto dos Gatos. Message received, Elkhart.

That reminded me of the trips we used to take back in the Golden Age. Kokomo, Huntington, Fort Wayne. The formula for political incorrectness (p) is always the same, p = a(m+C), where a is an amount of alcohol, m is music, and C is Crustaceans. No matter how you mix it, it’s the same now as it was then.

I’ll catch you later, and in the words of Madeline Kahn– “If it’s Wednesday, it’s wacing.

Ciao for nao

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