Beers Of The World

Hey Everybody.
No recap from this week. I’m afraid I was out of town on business. Luckily, my good friend and teammate WHITASITA sat in for me. From what I understand, a sterling performance. The man is a natural. Only a few more weeks until he heads back north and Chainsaw Sisters Racing goes into it’s semi-dormant Summer mode. Where does The Time go. It looks like it was a fantastic week at the races. Good looking crowd, local print media, as well as an Indianapolis morning show host and author. Sorry I missed all that.

We’ll keep you posted on the air date of Mr Wolfsie’s piece on the Races. For our friends in Elkhart, we’ll try to find a feed and get you a link.

We will be racing on the 21st. Special bonus prize to the winner, a copy of the Crab Racing movie- “The Night The Lights Went Out At Folkie’s”. Also, Saturday the 17th is St. Patty’s Day, and there’s no greater place to celebrate it than with your friends at Folkie’s! See you there!!

ciao for nao

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