Beers Of The World (Willie Style)

Chimichaunga cheesy burrito-

Ideas are dangerous. I’d rather have a man come at me with an ax than a big idea.
-Joe Lightcap

Greetings from Casa Dos Gatos. Okay, he’s not from South Marion, but I like the quote anyway. Welcome back to Mayberry, sorry about the weather. A bit brisk out there, can’t wait for summer. Only two weeks and the days start gaining light. Won’t be long then.

Came home after the races and stuck in “The Aristocrats”. Truly disgusting. There were places that almost made me physically ill. Did I mention disgusting? Hope it’s not too late to get it on my Christmas list. I need to watch it again!

Looking forward to Medeski, Scofield, Martin, and Wood this Sunday. If it works for you, we scoot about four and we can knock around Broad Ripple for a couple of hours before the show. First come, first served I hear. We can grab some dinner and I think the doors open at seven. Let me know if that’s good.

Beers Of The World Crab Racing this week. Regulation size board, also referred to as “tournament size” in Great Britain. Plenty of room for race row participants to spread out. It’s especially huge when nobody’s sitting around it. I got there about sign-up time and the funniest thing, as I came down First street, I thought I caught a whiff of French fries. I crossed Branson and it kept getting stronger. When I got along side the parking lot I found the source of the smell. Willie Nelson’s BioBus was sitting behind Folks in Maidenberg’s parking lot.

Folkies lot was pretty full, so I was surprised when I got inside and the place was practically empty. Sonny, Steve, and Willie were there along with a couple scattered non-racers. Check this out- Willie was behind the bar. It seemed that Rick had the night off and Willie agreed to fill in, in exchange for Steve letting him top off his bus out of the fryer.

Apparently the drivers of most of the cars in the lot were out in the BioBus, learning some of the many uses for plant matter. Kind of a hands-on thing. They started wandering in and the evening’s proceedings started to return to it’s natural order.

The race row regulars were back, after last week’s absence. Jim, Brenda, Dr. Carl and Nurse Holly, Jerry Jeff Jordan, and Tom. A guy who used to do our email and website, Jim Cramer was there. I didn’t recognize him at first, he had put on a serious beard since the last time I saw him. He was the original Mac(intosh) Daddy. I remember I called him once for some help on a technical point and he gave me a piece of advice I remember every time I work on a box- “I wouldn’t get my hopes up, it’s a PC”. Visionary. Facial Shot had the night off. The Original Sarah, as well as the New Sarah and Jennifer had a table. Three in the Skyboxes, two in the corner, and a few here and there and the place filled up pretty good. The BioBus seems to have held a bar full of people. Very nice crowd. The only other thing I noticed was that everyone seemed to want nachos.

Rhonda on the floor, Nelia in the kitchen, Willie behind the bar, and Steve selling the chips and cheese. But then again, you were there, so you saw the same thing I did (or maybe you didn’t)-

Beers of the World

Trivia Jeopardy Answers:
1) Ben Franklin-
2) Amen- Twix
3) Willie Nelson- Flyswatter
Lusaka– Milky Way
5) Sherwood Forest-

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flagholder- Meghan- #75 Shiznitz


First Half:
1) Winner- #84 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing- Koozie
2) Winner- #13 When She’s Runnin’ Good She’ll Throw A Rod-Jim – Koozie
3) Winner- #26 The Shocker. Two in the etc… – Tom- Snickers
4) Winner- #61 Sometimes I Wake Up Horny an Sometimes I Let Him Sleep (SIWUHASILHS)- Nurse Holly- M&Ms
5) Winner- #76 This Chocolate Pudding Tastes Like Sh*t- Another Jim- Ice Scraper
6) Winner- #38 Thanks. Now Wipe That Sh*t Off Of Your Face And Get Me A Beer- Richard- Ramen Noodles
Winner- #85 I Still Love Hee-Seop Choi – FF- Snickers
8) Winner- RECEIVES NO PRIZE- Super Folkie


Second Half:
9) Winner- #49 Me So Horny- Dr. Carl- Lanyard
10) Winner- #77 I’m Going To Have To Num That. Num, Num, Num…- American Association of Amateur Gynecologists (AAAG)- Pen (green) (Guys- 2, Girls- 0, Tie- 1 Asses beaten)
11) Winner- #0 Want A Blow Job? I’ll Bet You Do- FF-
12) Winner- #61 Get Up And Move You Lazy Bastard. No, Not You Jim- Brenda- Milky Way
13) Winner- #4 Auggie- Brenda-
14) Winner- #66 Let’s Just Do It- Cheryl
Winner- #81 Sam Shows Alice His Lunch Meat- The Lost Brady Episodes Racing Team- Lanyard
16) Winner- #34
Slow Screw– Richard- Snickers

Goodbye Losers:

All Disco Semifinals:
1) Winner- #84 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing
2) Winner- #66 Let’s Just Do It (Slogan for new Nike condoms)- Cheryl
Winner- #26 The Shocker. Yadda Yadda Yadda- Tom
4) Winner- #61 Sometimes I Wake Up Horny and Sometimes I Let Him Sleep (SIWUHASILHS)- Nurse Holly


Minus Six

Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- HW&AWD – #66 Let’s Just Do It- Cheryl
Third Place- T-Shirt- #61 Sometimes I Wake Up Horny and Sometimes I Let Him Sleep (SIWUHASILHS)- Nurse Holly
Second Place- $20- #26 The Shocker. Yadda Yadda Yadda- Tom
First Place- $30- #84 What Happens In The Aquarium, Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing

Like they say, you just can’t make this stuff up! A storybook ending, Chainsaw Sisters Racing returns to open their 14th Winter Season with a Mythical Corvette! Can you believe it?

A fine evening at Folkies. Next week is Mystery Crab Racing. Sign up is at seven-thirty, Crabs Haul Shell at eight. Don’t be late because the good crabs always go first. And whatever you do, stay off of the bus.

In the words of Madeline Kahn– “If it’s Wednesday, it’s wacing.”

Ciao for nao


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