Brickyard Crab Racing

Dr Sanders I presume,
Sorry I didn’t get back to you last evening, we can blame it on bad brains or something.

Crabs went very well. I got a head’s up from one of our guys at Ross that his wife and some of her coworkers were going to be there. So I expected a few more than the twelve to fifteen we’ve been drawing, and when I got there, the place was pretty full. First legit sellout in a couple of months at least. There were a couple of medium groups with lots of newbies and it was Brenda’s birthday so she had a couple of extra people. Dr Carl and Nurse Holly were there as well as Buddah and a couple of Facial Shot racers. Andrea was in the kitchen and Nelia and Steve were waiting tables.

The Brickyard was the theme (really heavy board, that’s why it only comes out three times a year) . I raced for the Lost Gilligan’s, but just one episode, and I really never did see which one he was. We’ve used that board five or six times and I think Sonny nailed the music. We pushed “***********” and “*********” back to the beginning of the second half and made the first half all NASCAR (did i mention that the board is really heavy?). I know you like playlists, so here it is (to the best of my recollection, twenty four hours on)-

Fourth Place- HW&AWD – Start Slow, Finish Fast- Jerry (new regular)
Third Place- T-Shirt- Tens Done Your Sister, Bud- Rob (not a clue)
Second Place- $20- Lick My N*ts- Facial Shot Racing team
First Place- $50- Sterile Cheryl- Mike (new racer)

Overall, a pretty good night. There’s always craploads more energy with a big crowd.

We’ll keep you posted, see you one of these days


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